
Fish Business Questions?

Fish Business Questions? Below is a transcript of a letter from a viewer that has been sent to the Autorites asking very relevant questions about Fish Farming in the Philippines.

Also below is a copy of the response email

This was read out by G D Mead of a Foreigner Telling Truth In Philippines on March 18 2022

As a concerned netizen I wish to raise awareness of a foreigner who is raising fish for commercial purposes on his property without the required permits as stated in the Republic Act No. 8550 Under SEC. 57

I ask these questions:-
•    Is there a registration of the fish hatcheries and private fishponds?
•    Has the hatchery and the private fish ponds been registered with the LGU and compliance with the prescribed minimum standards?
•    Has the Department conducted a yearly inventory of the fish ponds?
•    Has the annual report been submitted to the department the type of species and volume?
Other Concerns:
As a netizen I am deeply concerned that Brian Smith of Tanghaligue, Talibon, Bohol
is operating a private fish hatchery and private fish ponds without the consideration of affects on the local water resources, including local well water contamination and contamination of local rice rice fields all effected by the water exchange process.
As a netizen I am also concerned over the usage of local water supplies from the deeping well on the property bring used for commercial purposes to fill large fish ponds.
Please can you raise these concerns with the appropriate inspector of agent to identify if
Brian Smith of Tanghaligue, Talibon, Bohol is in compliance with local laws?
I must point out that Brian Smith is a foreigner living in Bohol with a youtube channel and the concern is that he is showing to a world wide audience “how to farm for profit” and by not having the correct licenses or permits is teaching other foreigners to disrespect our laws.
Please note that Brian Smith of Tanghaligue, Talibon, Bohol has stated on several videos
published online through YouTube that foreigners don’t need permits as the government don’t do their required checks.
Listed below are several examples of videos from Brian Smiths YouTube channel “A Foreigner Farming In The Philippines” detailing the private fishponds and fish breeding tanks
Water Exchange Moving 100’s Of Fry And 100’s Of Fingerlings’
Hundreds More Fry Have Hatched
A Foreigner Farming In The Philippines YouTube Channel Link
I thank you for your time and consideration on this urgent matter
 Fish Business Questions?

Water Exchange Moving 100’s Of Fry And 100’s Of Fingerlings’

Hundreds More Fry Have Hatched

The Response

On Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 2:16 AM XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX wrote:
—– Forwarded message —–
From: BFAR-PFO Bohol <bfartagbilaran@gmail.com>
Cc: BFAR Region 7 <region7@bfar.da.gov.ph>; Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Region 7 <bfar7@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, 17 March 2022, 01:03:23 pm AEDT
Subject: Fishpond and Hatchery Operations of Brian Smith
Dear Sir,
Good Day!
This is to inform you that we will be conducting an ocular inspection and verification relative to the above-mentioned subject in coordination with LGU Talibon scheduled next week. 
We will keep you posted regarding the results of the investigation.
Thank you & Have a blessed day!

Bohol Provincial Fishery Office

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources – Region VII
Dao District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Tel. No.:  (038) 411-4602
Facebook account: Bfar Bohol
Facebook page: BFAR VII – Bohol PFO