David John Backman aka Mr Joe Update
We have been forwarded information that David John Bachmann AKA Mr Joe, has been referred to and is now officially under Federal Criminal investigation by multiple LEA’s (Law Enforcement Agencies).
These agencies have been forwarded videos where he openly & publicly brags about:
Abusing children.
Getting intimate massage from a young teenager.
Serving a young teenage girl alcohol.
Asked a young teenage girl to “GET IT ON” at a hotel.
Admitted illegal drug possession, acquisition, & use.
Admitted & bragged that he raised one million pesos from E-Begging
Operating a non DSWD Licensed Charity.
Threats of murder for hire.
Illegally challenging a Disabled man to a fight to the death.
Murder threats.
We must also stress that at this stage these are only allegations and we shall bring you further information as it come to hand.